We’re sorry that you are closing your account with us, but we’re of course happy to help you further. Find out how to close a personal current or savings account.
You will receive confirmation of having closed the account by email.
You will receive confirmation of having closed the account by email.
You can close most ABN AMRO savings accounts at any time in the ABN AMRO app or on Internet Banking. This includes the Beleggers Spaarrekening savings account.
Please note: if you don’t have a current account, you can no longer make withdrawals from your savings account, so make sure you keep at least one ABN AMRO current account.
If you have a Savings Deposit with a balance or a Royaal Rekening, you can only close your savings account through Video Banking. Contact us by telephone to arrange an appointment.
Closing a joint account yourself is easy in the ABN AMRO app or on Internet Banking. A joint account can be closed by just one of the account holders. If you’re having trouble online, please contact us.
Do you, or the other account holder, want to keep the current account number of the joint account? The account holder who wants to be removed from the account can easily relinquish their access online (form in Dutch). The departing account holder will then lose access to the account and bank cards.
You can close a Young Person’s Growth Account at any time in the ABN AMRO app or on Internet Banking. If you are closing your own last current account and your child has a Young Person’s Growth Account that is linked to this account, you will no longer be able to access the settings of the Young Person's Growth account in the ABN AMRO app or on Internet Banking.
If you live abroad and don’t have access to Internet Banking, please call us and we'll help you.
If you want to close a current or savings account, but don’t have the ABN AMRO app or Internet Banking, please call us and we’ll help you further.