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IBAN Name Check

IBAN Name Check will trigger a notification if the name you enter does not match the International Bank Account Number (IBAN) that ABN AMRO has on record for that person. This prevents incorrect credit transfers and helps combat fraud, ensuring the security of your payments. We also check whet)her the recipient is using the account switching service.


This is how IBAN Name Check works

  • When making a credit transfer on Internet Banking or in the ABN AMRO app, we automatically check whether the recipient's name you provide matches the IBAN.
  • You will get a notification if the name and IBAN you enter differ from those we have on record.
  • If you make a typo (e.g. Jansen instead of Janse), IBAN Name Check suggests a name: ‘Did you mean Janse?’
  • The notification serves both as a warning and a suggestion. It is still you who determines whether to submit or cancel the payment after receiving a notification and you remain responsible for the credit transfers you make.
  • You will also be notified if the recipient is using the account switching service. You will then see the recipient’s new IBAN.

What to do when receiving a notification

If you have received a notification, check the IBAN again. If the IBAN is incorrect, contact the person to whom you are transferring funds. The notification about the new IBAN from the account switching services is purely for information purposes. You can save the recipient’s new IBAN in your address book. Then, the next time when transferring funds, you can use the right IBAN straight away.

When you can use IBAN Name Check

IBAN Name Check works for credit transfers made on Internet Banking and in the ABN AMRO app. It mostly works for Dutch current account and savings account numbers held in Euros.

IBAN Name Check does not work for:

  • iDEAL payments
  • Credit transfers in a foreign currency and/or outside of the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA)
  • Credit transfers via Acces Online Classic and Access Direct
  • Credit transfer batches
  • Direct debits

Recognising an IBAN Name Check notification

You'll only see a notification after entering the recipient's IBAN and name. This message appears below the name field, titled 'Recipient's Name'. It will also show if the recipient is using the account switching service.