
U bent succesvol uitgelogd.

Not satisfied with how your complaint has been resolved?


If you've gone through the ABN AMRO complaints procedure and are not satisfied with the outcome, you can submit your complaint to Kifid, the Dutch Institute for Financial Disputes. Go to www.kifid.nl for more information.


Does the case have a disciplinary aspect?

In such cases, Kifid will refer your complaint to the Disciplinary Board for Financial Services (Insurance). Consumer complaints reach the Disciplinary Board only through a referral from Kifid. If your complaint is referred, Kifid will inform you.

Complaints about online products and services of ABN AMRO

You can also submit these to the ODR platform platform. The EU has set up this platform for disputes about online purchases.

Business customers

If you are a business customer, please first check whether you can submit your complaint to Kifid or submit your complaint to a disputes organisation. If these bodies will not accept your complaint, you can always take it to the competent court. 

Do you live in Switzerland?

Then you also have the option of submitting your complaint to the  Finanzombudsstelle Schweiz (FINOS)  

List of disputes committees


Financial Services Complaints Tribunal

Kifid, Klachteninstituut Financiële Dienstverlening

(For consumers and small businesses)
Postbus 93257
2509 AG The Hague
+31 (0)70 33 38 999
www.kifid.nl  (in Dutch)

Transnational Payments Disputes Committee

Geschillencommissie Grensoverschrijdend Betalingsverkeer

(for companies and institutions)
Postbus 90600  
2509 LP The Hague  
+31 (0)70 31 05 310  


Consumers’ Association


(for members only) 
Postbus 1000   
2500 BA The Hague 
+31 (0)70 44 54 545000 
www.consumentenbond.nl  (in Dutch)

Advertising Code Committee

Reclame Code Commissie

(for private individuals, companies and institutions) 
Postbus 75684 
1070 AR Amsterdam 


Dutch Credit Registration Office Disputes Committee

Geschillencommissie Bureau Krediet Registratie (BKR)

(for private individuals, companies and institutions)
Postbus 6080
4000 HB Tiel
0900 - 257 84 35
www.bkr.nl  (in Dutch)