With a well-secured car you have less chance of burglary or theft. Many cars have built-in electronic security to prevent car theft or burglary. Here, you can find out if your security measures meet our standards. Be sure to thoroughly check your new policy to see if the security requirements for your vehicle have changed.
With an ABN AMRO car insurance policy, you are protected against theft, even if your vehicle does not meet the specified security requirements. However, you will incur an excess of 2.5% of the car's list price (with a minimum of €375). With most insurers, you would not be covered for theft-related damage in such cases!
If you have the proper security but you still suffer damage from theft, a break-in, or an attempt, you will not have to pay an excess with us.
The following security requirements apply to ABN AMRO Car Insurance for the Third-party liability + limited cover and Third-party liability + comprehensive cover:
For a car with a list price under €75,000:
For a car 0 to 4 years old with a list price between €75,000 and €100,000:
For a car with a list price of €100,000 or more:
If your car meets these security requirements, you will have no additional excess with us.